

Scenic Photography

Military Aircraft

Military Aircraft

Military Low Level Training

Racing Events

Racing Events

Sports Cars and Historics

Air Shows

Air Shows

From San Francisco to Las Vegas

Military Exercises

Military Exercises

Red Flag and Sentry Eagle

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge

San Francisco, CA


When attending airshows or other photography events, being a father-son trio has unique advantages. Not only do we have a lot of fun, but it also allows us to shoot simultaneously using a variety of equipment. All of our videos are shot by Bob Mantegani using a Sony HDR-FX1000, and now in 4K using a Sony FDR-AX1. Our photos are shot by Steven and Scott Mantegani using Sony Sony A77II and A99II cameras. During airshows, Steven uses a Sony 500mm lens to cover long range photos, and Scott uses a Sony 300mm lens for closer aircraft. The radio scanner we use is a Grecom PSR-800 with recording capability, and some of those recordings can be heard in our videos of jets flying through Rainbow Canyon.